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中华卫生应急电子杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 03 ›› Issue (01) : 48 -56. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9133.2017.01.006

所属专题: 文献


王守军1, 康新2, 路晓光2,(), 杨轶仑2, 范治伟2, 白黎智2, 宋轶2   
  1. 1. 116001 大连大学附属中山医院急诊医学科;116300 瓦房店市中心医院重症医学科
    2. 116001 大连大学附属中山医院急诊医学科
  • 收稿日期:2016-12-06 出版日期:2017-02-18
  • 通信作者: 路晓光
  • 基金资助:

A method for preparing rat model of gut origin sepsis via hepatic portal vein injection

Shoujun Wang1, Xin Kang2, Xiaoguang Lu2,(), Yilun Yang2, Zhiwei Fan2, Lizhi Bai2, Yi Song2   

  1. 1. Department of Emergency Medicine, Zhongshan Hospital, Dalian University, Dalian 116001, China; Department of Care Medicine, Central Hospital of Wafangdian City, Wafangdian 116300, China
    2. Department of Emergency Medicine, Zhongshan Hospital, Dalian University, Dalian 116001, China
  • Received:2016-12-06 Published:2017-02-18
  • Corresponding author: Xiaoguang Lu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Lu Xiaoguang, Email:

王守军, 康新, 路晓光, 杨轶仑, 范治伟, 白黎智, 宋轶. 一种经肝门静脉注射制备肠源性脓毒症大鼠模型的方法[J/OL]. 中华卫生应急电子杂志, 2017, 03(01): 48-56.

Shoujun Wang, Xin Kang, Xiaoguang Lu, Yilun Yang, Zhiwei Fan, Lizhi Bai, Yi Song. A method for preparing rat model of gut origin sepsis via hepatic portal vein injection[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Hygiene Rescue(Electronic Edition), 2017, 03(01): 48-56.




清洁级SD大鼠84只(250~300 g,12周龄),12只大鼠用于盲肠结扎并穿孔法(CLP)制备肠源性腹腔渗出液。72只大鼠采用随机数字法分为肝门静脉对照组(PV-S组)、肝门静脉渗液组(PV-E组)和下腔静脉渗液组(VC-E组),每组24只。PV-S组经肝门静脉注射0.9%氯化钠注射液(1 mL/只),PV-E组和VC-E组分别经肝门静脉和下腔静脉注射等量腹腔渗出液。各组大鼠再按腹腔渗液注射后1,2,4,6 h分为4个亚组。各亚组大鼠在相应时相点经腹主动脉采血,处死后取肺组织并收集肺泡灌洗液(BALF),测定血清和BALF中内毒素、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)及白细胞介素-6(IL-6)含量,计算肺组织湿/干重(W/D)比值,观察肺形态学和病理形态学变化。


PV-E组在腹腔渗液注射液后1,2,4,6 h血清和BALF中内毒素、TNF-α及IL-6含量以及肺组织病理学评分、肺湿/干重比均显著高于同时相点PV-S组大鼠(P均<0.05)。与PV-E组比较,VC-E组在腹腔渗液注射液后1,2,4,6 h血清和BALF中内毒素水平均升高(P均<0.05),而血清和BALF中TNF-α、IL-6水平降低(P均<0.05)。PV-E组大鼠经肝门静脉注射腹腔渗出液后1,2,4,6 h肺组织W/D值(1 h:8.53±2.05;2 h:9.41±1.24;4 h:10.35±0.69;6 h:11.05±1.95)较同时相点的PV-S组(1 h:5.16±1.13;2 h:5.17±1.34;4 h:5.14±2.04;6 h:5.13±1.95)和VC-E组(1 h:6.71±0.73;2 h:7.65±1.32;4 h:8.40±0.43;6 h:9.41±1.87)均明显增大(P均<0.05)。与PV-S组比较,PV-E组肺组织明显肿胀,有广泛点、片状出血点及淤血;VC-E组肺组织病变程度较PV-E组轻。与PV-S组和VC-E组比较,PV-E组肺病理组织学结果显示肺泡腔中见大量中性粒细胞、单核细胞和红细胞浸润,肺泡壁破坏严重、肺间质明显水肿,各时相点病理学组织学评分高于PV-S组(1 h:5.32±1.35 vs 0.25±0.02;2 h:6.44±0.72 vs 0.23±0.04;4 h:7.52±1.45 vs 0.27±0.02;6 h:8.69±0.35 vs 0.22±0.05,P均<0.05)和VC-E组(1 h:5.32±1.35 vs 3.37±0.73;2 h:6.44±0.72 vs 4.82±1.32;4 h:7.52±1.45 vs 6.47±0.43;6 h:8.69±0.35 vs 8.4±1.87,P均<0.05)。




To establish a rat model of gut origin sepsis induced by portal vein injection.


Twelve rats of 84 SD rats (250~300 g, 12 weeks) were used for preparation of peritoneal exudate of gut derived sepsis by cecal ligation and perforation (CLP). The other 72 rats were randomly divided into portal vein sham group (PV-S), portal vein exudate group (PV-E) and vena cava exudate group (VC-E), 24 rats in each group. Normal saline for 1 ml was injected into hepatic portal vein in PV-S group rats. The same amount of peritoneal exudate of gut origin sepsis was injected into rat body in PV-E group and VC-E group through the hepatic portal vein and inferior vena cava. Each group was divided into four subgroups according to intraperitoneal injection at 1, 2, 4 and 6 h. The abdominal aorta blood of subgroup was collected on different time points. The rats were executed and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was collected to detect the volume of endotoxin, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in serum and BALF, calculate the wet/dry weight ratio (W/D) and observe morphological and pathological changes of the lung.


Concentrations of endotoxin, TNF-α, and IL-6 and lung pathology score and lung W/D of PV-E group rat were significantly higher than those of PV-S groupafter peritoneal exudate injection 1, 2, 4, 6 h (P<0.05). Compared to PV-E group, the levels of endotoxin in VC-E group rats were increased and TNF-αand IL-6 in serum and BALF were decreased after peritoneal exudate injection 1, 2, 4, 6 h (P<0.05). Compared with PV-S group, the rats showed pulmonary edema, extensive and patchy hemorrhage and congestion in PV-E group. The W/D in PV-E group(1 h: 8. 53±2.05, 2 h: 9.41±1.24, 4 h: 10.35±0.69, 6 h: 11.05±1.95) was higher than that of PV-S group (1 h: 5.16±1.13, 2 h: 5.17±1.34, 4 h: 5.14±2.04, 6 h: 5.13±1.95) and VC-E group (1 h: 6.71±0.73, 2 h: 7.65±1.32, 4 h: 8.40±0.43, 6 h: 9.41±1.87, P<0.05). The degree of lung injury in group VC-E was lighter than that of PV-E group. Pulmonary histology showed a large number of neutrophils and monocytes, and even red blood cell infiltration, severe alveolar wall destruction and pulmonary interstitial edema in the PV-E group rats, and the histological score in PV-E group was higher than that in PV-S group (1 h: 5.32±1.35 vs 0.25±0.02. 2 h: 6.44±0.72 vs 0.23±0.04. 4 h: 7.52±1.45 vs 0.27±0.02. 6 h: 8.69±0.35 vs 0.22±0.05, P<0.05) and VC-E group (1 h: 5.32±1.35 vs 3.37±0.73. 2 h: 6.44±0.72 vs 4.82±1.32. 4 h: 7.52±1.45 vs 6.47±0.43.6 h: 8.69±0.35 vs 8.4±1.87, P<0.05).


The CLP method can be used to prepare the intestinal derived peritoneal effusion. A rat model of intestinal origin sepsis is successfully established by the portal vein injecting intestinal derived peritoneal effusion.

图1 经肝门静脉和下腔静脉注射腹腔渗出液制备GOS大鼠模型
表1 肺病理组织学评分标准
表2 PV-S组、PV-E组、VC-E组大鼠建模不同时相点血清内毒素、TNF-α及IL-6含量比较(±s)
表3 PV-S组、PV-E组、VC-E组大鼠建模不同时间点BALF中内毒素、TNF-α及IL-6含量变化(±s)
表4 PV-S组、PV-E组、VC-E组大鼠建模不同时相点肺组织湿/干重比(±s)
图2 各组大鼠建模后不同时相点肺组织形态学比较
图3 各组大鼠建模后不同时相点肺组织病理学比较(石蜡切片,HE染色,×200)
表5 PV-S组、PV-E组、VC-E组大鼠建模不同时相点的肺组织病理学评分(±s)
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