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中华卫生应急电子杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 03 ›› Issue (06) : 327 -333. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9133.2017.06.003

所属专题: 文献


孙磊1, 蔡颖1, 敖琳1, 安辉1, 陈晟1, 陶成玉2, 刘晋祎1, 曹佳1,()   
  1. 1. 400038 重庆,第三军医大学军事预防医学院毒理学研究所
    2. 233010 安徽蚌埠,解放军装甲兵学院门诊部
  • 收稿日期:2017-09-20 出版日期:2017-12-18
  • 通信作者: 曹佳
  • 基金资助:

Pathological analysis of main organ damage in rats induced by smoke inhalation in military airtight cabins

Lei Sun1, Ying Cai1, Lin Ao1, Hui An1, Sheng Chen1, Chengyu Tao2, Jinyi Liu1, Jia Cao1,()   

  1. 1. Institute of toxicology, Army Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China
    2. Department of ambulant clinic, PLA Academy of armored forces, Bengbu 233010, China
  • Received:2017-09-20 Published:2017-12-18
  • Corresponding author: Jia Cao
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Cao Jia, Email:

孙磊, 蔡颖, 敖琳, 安辉, 陈晟, 陶成玉, 刘晋祎, 曹佳. 密闭舱室烟雾吸入对大鼠重要脏器损伤的病理观察[J/OL]. 中华卫生应急电子杂志, 2017, 03(06): 327-333.

Lei Sun, Ying Cai, Lin Ao, Hui An, Sheng Chen, Chengyu Tao, Jinyi Liu, Jia Cao. Pathological analysis of main organ damage in rats induced by smoke inhalation in military airtight cabins[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Hygiene Rescue(Electronic Edition), 2017, 03(06): 327-333.




36只雄性SD大鼠[7~9周龄,体质量(200±20)g]按随机数字表法分为对照组及烟雾吸入后1、6、24、72 h和7 d组,共6组,每组6只。对照组大鼠正常呼吸新鲜空气,烟雾吸入组大鼠在密闭染毒箱内连续吸入烟雾(由坦克舱室内常用的9种主要非金属材料燃烧生成)10 min后的不同时相点,分别取其心、肺、气管、肝及肾脏器组织,在光学显微镜下观察各组织的病理形态学改变。


烟雾吸入后各时相点动物的心、肺、气管、肝、肾均有不同程度损伤,有大量颗粒物沉积,以24 h组动物损伤最为严重,其后各时相点组织病理改变表现为损伤和增生并存,烟雾吸入24 h后可观察到一定程度的自我修复。对心肌的损害:颗粒物沉积、心肌细胞肿胀、局部溶解和坏死。对肺组织的损害:肺间质弥漫性充血、炎细胞的浸润和肺泡腔内红细胞渗出。对气管的损害:上皮细胞水肿、局部纤毛脱落、局部上皮细胞与软骨分离。对肝脏的损害:颗粒物沉积、肝细胞胞浆疏松以及有不同程度的水肿和空泡变性。对肾脏的损害:肾小球血管内皮细胞受损,肾小管间隙及管腔内有烟雾颗粒物的沉积。




To investigate the effect of toxic smoke on the heart, lung, liver and kidney of male rats after combustion of non-metal material in military airtight cabins.


36 male SD rats were randomly divided into control group and five smoke inhaled groups (1, 6, 24, 72 h and 7 d post-exposure) with 6 rats in each group. The control group inhaled fresh air and smoke inhalation groups were continuously exposed in smoke for 10 min, and the pathological changes of heart, lung, liver and kidney in each group were observed.


Varying degrees of injury can be observed in heart, lung, trachea, liver, kidney of rats after smoke inhalation at different time points and smoke particles were observed to deposit extensively in the tissues above. The degree of damage at 24 h post-exposure was the most serious and the process of injury coexisted with proliferation after 24 h post-exposure. All the observation above suggests that smoke inhalation can lead to a certain degree of damage on heart, lung, trachea, liver and kidney, and the process of self-repairing could be coexisted after smoke exposure. Damage to the myocardium: particulate matter deposition, myocyte swelling, local dissolution and necrosis. Damage to the lung tissue: diffuse hyperemia of the pulmonary interstitium, infiltration of inflammatory cells and erythrocyte exudation in the alveoli. Damage to the trachea: edema of epithelial cells, partial cilium exfoliation, and separation of local epithelial cells from cartilage. Damage to the liver: particulate matter deposition, hepatocyte cytoplasm loosening, and varying degrees of edema and vacuolation. Damage to the kidney: the damage of the glomerular vascular endothelial cells, the interstitial space of the renal tubules and the deposition of smoke particles in the lumen.


Smoke particles resulting from combustion of nonmetal materials in military airtight cabins can deposit in tissues of heart, lung, liver, kidney and other major organs through the blood circulation after inhalation and lead to morphological pathological changes of tissues in above organs.

图1 光镜下观察密闭舱室烟雾吸入10 min后各时相点的大鼠心脏组织病理形态学改变。注:a为未吸入烟雾的正常对照组,b为烟雾吸入后1 h组,c为烟雾吸入后6 h组,d为烟雾吸入后24 h组,e为烟雾吸入后72 h组,f为烟雾吸入后7 d组;黑色箭头所指为沉积的烟雾颗粒物
图2 光镜下观察密闭舱室烟雾吸入10 min后各时相点的大鼠肺组织病理形态学改变。注:a为对照组(HE×200), b为1 h组(HE×200),c为6 h组(HE×100),d为24 h组(HE×100),e为72 h组(HE×100),f为7 d组(HE×200)
图3 光镜下观察密闭舱室烟雾吸入10 min后各时相点的大鼠气管组织病理形态学改变。注:a为对照组(HE×200), b为1 h组(HE×200),c为6 h组(HE×100),d为24 h组(HE×100),e为72 h组(HE×400),f为7 d组(HE×400)
图4 光镜下观察密闭舱室烟雾吸入10 min后各时相点的大鼠肝脏病理形态学改变。注:a为对照组,b为1h组,c为6 h组,d为24 h组,e为72 h组,f为7 d组
图5 光镜下观察密闭舱室烟雾吸入10 min后各时相点大鼠肾脏组织的病理形态学改变。注:a为对照组(HE×100), b为1h组 (HE×200),c为6h组 (HE×200), d为24h组 (HE×200),e为72h组 (HE×200),f为7d组 (HE×200)
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