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中华卫生应急电子杂志 ›› 2018, Vol. 04 ›› Issue (01) : 45 -49. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9133.2018.01.008

所属专题: 文献


陈超1, 杨炼红1,()   
  1. 1. 510920 广东广州,中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院神经科
  • 收稿日期:2018-01-30 出版日期:2018-02-18
  • 通信作者: 杨炼红
  • 基金资助:

Effect of TLR4 inhibitor on the inflammatory cytokines in microglia induced by LPS

Chao Chen1, Lianhong Yang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Neurology, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510120, China
  • Received:2018-01-30 Published:2018-02-18
  • Corresponding author: Lianhong Yang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Yang Lianhong, Email:

陈超, 杨炼红. TLR4受体抑制剂对脂多糖诱导的小胶质细胞炎症因子的影响[J/OL]. 中华卫生应急电子杂志, 2018, 04(01): 45-49.

Chao Chen, Lianhong Yang. Effect of TLR4 inhibitor on the inflammatory cytokines in microglia induced by LPS[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Hygiene Rescue(Electronic Edition), 2018, 04(01): 45-49.




用脂多糖诱导BV2细胞构建炎症反应模型。(1)利用CCK-8法检测不同浓度的TAK-242预处理BV2小胶质细胞后的细胞存活率,确定最佳TAK-242浓度。(2)BV2小胶质细胞加入0,0.1,0.5,1μg/mL脂多糖(LPS)刺激24 h后,实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)法检测TLR4炎症因子mRNA表达的变化。(3)将BV2小胶质细胞分为四组:对照组,TAK-242组,LPS组和TAK-242预处理组。实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)法检测TLR4、MyD88,IL-1β、IL-6炎症因子mRNA表达的变化。






To explore the effect of TAK-242, TLR4 inhibitor, on the secreting inflammatory cytokines in BV2 microglia caused by LPS.


The inflammatory reaction cells were inducedby LPS. (1)Microglias BV2 were cultured with different concentrations of TAK-242, and then , the cell survival rate was detected by cck-8 kit to select the suitable concentration; (2)Microglias BV2 were cultured with different concentrations of lipopolysaccharide(LPS)(0, 0.1, 0.5, 1μg/mL), and then, the TLR4 mRNA expression was detected by Quantitative real-time PCR(qRT-PCR); (3)Microglias BV2 were divided into four groups: Control group, TAK-242 group, LPS group and LPS+ TAK-242 pretreatment group, and then, the TLR4, MYD88, IL-1β, IL-6 mRNA expression were detected by Quantitative real-time PCR(qRT-PCR).


(1)CCK-8: Compared with control group, low concentration of TAK-242 have no effect on the viability of BV2 cells. Compared with LPS group, pretreating of TAK-242(1μM) especially increased the viability of BV2 cells (P<0.05). (2)qRT-PCR: compared with control group, LPS can increase the TLR4 mRNA expression (P<0.05); (3)qRT-PCR: compared with control group, LPS can increase the TLR4mRNA, MyD88mRNA, IL-1βmRNA and IL-6 mRNA expression (P<0.05); Compared with LPS group, pretreating of TAK-242(1μM) can significantly decrease the TLR4mRNA, MyD88mRNA, IL-1βmRNA and IL-6 mRNA expression (P<0.05).


TLR4 signal pathway can be activateed by LPS; TAK-242 can decrease TLR4mRNA, MyD88mRNA, IL-1βmRNA and IL-6 mRNA expression and increase the cells viability.

图1 CCK-8法检测不同浓度的TAK-242对BV2细胞活力的影响
图2 CCK-8法检测TAK-242预处理BV2细胞活力的影响
图3 荧光定量RCR法检测不同浓度的LPS作用于BV2后TLR4mRNA表达情况
图4 荧光定量RCR法检测各组细胞TLR4mRNA表达情况
图5 荧光定量RCR法检测各组细胞MyD88mRNA表达情况
图6 荧光定量RCR法检测各组细胞IL-1βmRNA表达情况
图7 荧光定量RCR法检测各组细胞IL-6mRNA表达情况
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