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中华卫生应急电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 08 ›› Issue (06) : 331 -334. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9133.2022.06.003


潘鑫1, 王华2,(), 王忻1, 顾慧1, 王超1   
  1. 1. 212003 江苏镇江,镇江市急救中心急救科;212013 江苏镇江,江苏大学灾难与急救医学系
    2. 212001 江苏镇江,江苏大学附属医院疼痛科
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-05 出版日期:2022-12-18
  • 通信作者: 王华
  • 基金资助:
    2021年度镇江市社会发展指导性科技计划项目(FZ2021092); 2021年度"金山英才"高层次领军人才培养计划(第六期"169工程")科研资助项目(镇人才办[2021]19号文件)

Comparison of the sedative effects of dexmedetomidine and propofol on critically ill adult patients requiring mechanical ventilation in the prehospital setting

Xin Pan1, Hua Wang2,(), Xin Wang1, Hui Gu1, Chao Wang1   

  1. 1. Zhenjiang Emergency Center Emergency Department, Zhenjiang 212003, China; Department of Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
    2. Department of Pain, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212001, China
  • Received:2022-11-05 Published:2022-12-18
  • Corresponding author: Hua Wang

潘鑫, 王华, 王忻, 顾慧, 王超. 院前右美托咪啶与丙泊酚对需要机械通气的成人危重症患者镇静效果的比较[J]. 中华卫生应急电子杂志, 2022, 08(06): 331-334.

Xin Pan, Hua Wang, Xin Wang, Hui Gu, Chao Wang. Comparison of the sedative effects of dexmedetomidine and propofol on critically ill adult patients requiring mechanical ventilation in the prehospital setting[J]. Chinese Journal of Hygiene Rescue(Electronic Edition), 2022, 08(06): 331-334.




前瞻性随机研究60例院前环境下需要镇静和机械通气的血流动力学稳定患者,平均分为两组,A组给予右美托咪啶负荷剂量(1 μg/kg) 10 min以上,随后给予0.5 μg·kg-1·h-1 (0.2~0.7 μg·kg-1·h-1)维持输注。B组给予丙泊酚负荷剂量(1 mg/kg)5 min以上,随后给予2 mg·kg-1·h-1 (1~3 mg·kg-1·h-1)维持输注。所有患者在研究用药前均接受芬太尼1 μg/kg治疗,监测患者在急救现场及入院时血流动力学参数,及其镇静水平(使用RSS和BIS),以RSS水平4分或5分为镇静目标。将Ramsay得分与BIS平均值进行比较。






To compare the sedative effects of dexmedetomidine and propofol in critically ill adults undergoing mechanical ventilation in the prehospital setting. The effects of two drugs on hemodynamic parameters were evaluated, and the correlation between bispectral index(BIS)and Ramsay sedation score(RSS)was observed.


Sixty hemodynamically stable patients requiring sedation and mechanical ventilation in the prehospital setting were prospectively randomized into two groups. Group A received a loading dose of dexmedetomidine(1 μg/kg)for more than 10 min, followed by a maintenance infusion of 0.5 μg·kg-1·h-1 (0.2~0.7 μg·kg-1·h-1). Group B was given a loading dose of propofol(1 mg/kg)for more than 5 min, followed by a maintenance infusion of 2 mg·kg-1·h-1(1~3 mg·kg-1·h-1). All patients were treated with fentanyl 1 μg/kg before the study drug. Hemodynamic parameters were monitored at the emergency scene and on admission, and their sedation level(using RSS and BIS) was monitored. Ramsay scores were compared with BIS mean values.


The dexmedetomidine group had a significant decrease in heart rate during sedation, while the propofol group had a decrease in mean arterial pressure(MAP)during sedation. There was a good correlation between Ramsay score and BIS value.


Dexmedetomidine can reduce heart rate and propofol can transiently affect mean arterial pressure. Both drugs are able to achieve adequate sedation, and there is a good correlation between Ramsay scores and BIS values. BIS surveillance is supported in assessing the applicability of sedation monitoring in prehospital emergency tracheal intubated patients with severe disease.

表1 抢救现场和入院时的血流动力学参数
图1 两组RSS评分的BIS均值描述注:BIS为脑电双频指数
图2 两组RSS与BIS平均值的相关性。注:每个时点两组r值均≥0.8,P<0.01,均具有相关性
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