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中华卫生应急电子杂志 ›› 2015, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (03) : 17 -21. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9133.2015.03.006


张翠雁1,(), 何翠雁1, 吕远军1, 黄悦爱1, 李奇林1   
  1. 1.529300 广东江门,开平市中心医院急诊科
  • 收稿日期:2015-05-01 出版日期:2015-03-18
  • 通信作者: 张翠雁
  • 基金资助:
    2013 年江门市第十批科技计划项目

First-aid training of the doctors and nurses in township hospitals and assessment of effects

Cuiyan Zhang1,(), Cuiyan He1, Yuanjun Lyu1, Yueai Huang1, Qilin Li1   

  1. 1.Department of Emergency,Kaiping Central Hospital,Kaiping 529300,China
  • Received:2015-05-01 Published:2015-03-18
  • Corresponding author: Cuiyan Zhang

张翠雁, 何翠雁, 吕远军, 黄悦爱, 李奇林. 基层医护人员急救知识培训与效果评价[J/OL]. 中华卫生应急电子杂志, 2015, 01(03): 17-21.

Cuiyan Zhang, Cuiyan He, Yuanjun Lyu, Yueai Huang, Qilin Li. First-aid training of the doctors and nurses in township hospitals and assessment of effects[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Hygiene Rescue(Electronic Edition), 2015, 01(03): 17-21.




在2013 年1 月发放调查表446 份到各卫生院对医、护人员进行急救理论、急救技能培训需求等相关急救信息调查。 根据实际需求制定一套培训计划,开展规范的强化培训。 培训后,抽考120 名医护人员急救理论知识,对培训前、后考核成绩,小组模拟急救案例考核知晓率等进行统计学分析。


理论考核成绩由平均分59.5 上升至83.5,培训前、后考核成绩差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);小组模拟急救案例考核知晓率由43.5%上升至85.0%、团体平均分由41.5 上升至85,成绩差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。


通过调查,全面了解基层医护人员的急救基本情况和培训共性需求,体现了急救知识缺乏和对培训需求的迫切性。 通过开展规范的强化培训,全面的提升本地区的急救水平,使危重患者的急救在基层医院得到有效的保障,这种强化培训法值得在急救技能培训中推广,尤其适用于基层医疗单位的技能培训。


To understand the first-aid training needs of the doctors and nurses in township hospitals and explore the possible training methods.


A survey including 446 questionnaires was done on the training needs of the first-aid theory and first-aid skills of the doctors and nurses in the township hospitals in January 2013.A set of training programs was made to carry out the standardized intensive training according to the actual needs.After training,an emergency theoretical examination was made in 120 doctors and nurses to analyze the scores and awareness rate before and after training.


The score of theoretical examination was increased from pre-training 59.5 points to posttraining 83.5 points,with statistical difference(P<0.05).The awareness rate of the group with simulated emergency case was increased from 43.5% to 85% and the overall score of the team was increased from 51.5 points to 85 points,with statistical difference(P<0.05).


The results of the survey help us comprehensively understand the basic first-aid situation and common training needs of the doctors and nurses in the township hospitals,indicating lack of emergency first-aid knowledge and urgency of training needs.The standardized intensive training of the doctors and nurses in township hospitals is carried out to improve the first-aid level in the region and provide effective protection for the critical patients,which is worthy of further application,especially in the primary care units.

表1 466 名医护人员学历、职称比例
表2 基层卫生院206 名医、技人员急救技能掌握程度调查
表3 基层卫生院240 名护理人员急救技能掌握程度调查
表4 446 名基层卫生院医护人员急救技能培训需求调查表[1]
表5 446 名基层卫生院医护人员急救理论培训需求调查表[1]
表6 规范化培训前后急救理论考核成绩比较
表7 急救小组培训前、后模拟急救案例考核知晓率、总成绩比较(n=20)
表8 466 名基层医护人员急救技能与仪器培训前后掌握程度调查对比
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