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中华卫生应急电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (03) : 160 -164. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9133.2024.03.006


陆振华1, 陶秀萍1,()   
  1. 1. 215300 江苏昆山,江苏省昆山市急救中心办公室
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-28 出版日期:2024-06-18
  • 通信作者: 陶秀萍

Transformation status of training results for first-aid volunteers in Kunshan City and its management methods

Zhenhua Lu1, Xiuping Tao1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Education and Training, Kunshan First-Aid Center, Kunshan 215300, China
  • Received:2024-03-28 Published:2024-06-18
  • Corresponding author: Xiuping Tao

陆振华, 陶秀萍. 昆山市急救志愿者培训成果转化现状分析及管理方法研究[J]. 中华卫生应急电子杂志, 2024, 10(03): 160-164.

Zhenhua Lu, Xiuping Tao. Transformation status of training results for first-aid volunteers in Kunshan City and its management methods[J]. Chinese Journal of Hygiene Rescue(Electronic Edition), 2024, 10(03): 160-164.










To analyze the feasibility and effectiveness of recruiting first-aid volunteers in the training section of Kunshan First Aid Center to improve the translation of first-aid public welfare training results and to explore a sustainable management approach.


A total of 2023 volunteers from 2018 to 2018 were involved in this study and their information were collected. SPSS21 software was used to evaluate the general situation of volunteers, the results of the transformation, volunteer training management path and effectiveness with statistical and descriptive analysis.


The number of volunteers recruited and the number of volunteer services completed were increasing year by year, and the transformation rate of training results was high. The transformation forms were as follows: brochure, TV station, wechat public number, square social propaganda, net class training, and high social evaluation. In the survey results of volunteers accepting volunteer service, 59.79% of them supported the service throughout the year, 40.21% of them stopped service because of family (15.47%), work (19.59%) and personal reasons(5.15%). 35.05% of them wanted to learn first-aid knowledge, 28.87% had spiritual belief, and 19.59% followed the trend, 16.49% of them served the society under the influence of others. The evaluation of effect and the guarantee of training was the highlights in the management of the transformation of volunteer training results in the training section, which promoted the transformation of training results.


The training division selects first-aid volunteers as the target audience in the management of promoting the transformation of first-aid public welfare training results, and completes the transformation of training results in the three levels: trainees, working environment and organization in the management path. We should strengthen the management of idea and execution obstacle, pay attention to the preparation of transformation in the whole process of training, stimulate the transformation motivation, provide the transformation opportunity and then control the transformation result. Therefore, the management thought and goal are clear and the method is rigorous and operable, which is suitable for the management of the first-aid public welfare training activities

表1 志愿者基本情况
表2 志愿者完成急救宣传活动情况表
表3 柯克帕特里克培训评估与培训保障
评估层面 名称 评估内容 实施方法 成效 培训保障
第一层面 反应层评估(学员反应) 总体印象:对培训内容、讲师、教学方法、材料、设施、场地、活动时间 小组座谈,四分法衡量(极好、好、一般、差) 培训内容、讲师、教学方法、活动时间四项,极好评价100%;材料、设施、场地极好评价95%  
第二层面 学习层评估(学员学习成效) 学员掌握培训内容程度,学员掌握培训技能程度 急救理论知识考试,急救技能操作考核 理论知识考试合格率100%,技能操作考核合格率100% 制定培训主体考核方案;成立志愿者业务学习小组,小组长负责组员培训后成绩考核
第三层面 行为层评估(学员行为改变) 培训后跟进过程,对学员培训后工作行为、在职表现 观察法。科室通过设计志愿者服务评分明细,掌握其服务能力和工作量。分为志愿者自评分值和科室评分分值 志愿者自评分值94.34±1.48分,科室评分98.25±2.21分 安排志愿者开展急救培训活动,在活动中志愿者担任授课、指导老师,将所学知识传播给学员,促进培训成效转化
第四层面 绩效层评估(培训产生的效果) 对组织发展带来的可见的积极的作用,对企业绩效带来的直接影响 通过组织指标衡量。如培训反馈、急救宣传作品、人群影响力 1.志愿者逐年增加。2.培训场次逐年增加。3.培训活动满意度100%。4.培训宣传方式增加。5.培训者培训考核成绩持续提升 提供志愿者急救宣传平台,通过书写急救宣传册、制作急救技能操作视频、动漫视频、电台节目等方式宣传急救。拓展急救培训方式,扩大培训影响力,召集更多志愿者参与到急救宣传活动中
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