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中华卫生应急电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (06) : 354 -358. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9133.2024.06.007


王珍1, 李国民1,(), 张玲玲1, 徐文波1, 汪冰1, 袁冬1   
  1. 1.213200 江苏常州,江苏大学附属金坛医院重症医学科
  • 收稿日期:2024-11-26 出版日期:2024-12-18
  • 通信作者: 李国民

Application of hazard vulnerability analysis based on the Kaiser model in ICU emergency management

Zhen Wang1, Guomin Li1,(), Lingling Zhang1, Wenbo Xu1, Bing Wang1, Dong Yuan1   

  1. 1.Department of Critical Care Medicine,the Affiliated Jintan Hospital,Jiangsu University,Changzhou 213200,Chin
  • Received:2024-11-26 Published:2024-12-18
  • Corresponding author: Guomin Li

王珍, 李国民, 张玲玲, 徐文波, 汪冰, 袁冬. 基于Kaiser模型的灾害脆弱性分析在ICU应急管理中的应用[J/OL]. 中华卫生应急电子杂志, 2024, 10(06): 354-358.

Zhen Wang, Guomin Li, Lingling Zhang, Wenbo Xu, Bing Wang, Dong Yuan. Application of hazard vulnerability analysis based on the Kaiser model in ICU emergency management[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Hygiene Rescue(Electronic Edition), 2024, 10(06): 354-358.


基于Kaiser模型的重症医学科(ICU)灾害脆弱性分析(HVA)了解ICU 面临的灾害事件的风险程度,为制定和完善ICU 各项应急预案提供参考。


2024 年3 月,根据Kaiser 模型制作HVA 标准化问卷表,由江苏大学附属金坛医院ICU 的HVA 小组对科室人员进行HVA 问卷调查。调查表内容包含38 件ICU 灾害事件发生的可能性、发生后可能对科室产生的影响(人员伤害、财产损失、运营影响)及科室所采取的防范措施(应急准备、内部响应、外部响应)。采用Kaiser 模型计算公式,计算每个潜在风险事件的相对风险值,根据相对风险值进行灾害风险事件相对风险度排序。


共发放调查问卷表40 份,回收率100%。相对风险值排名前十位的分别是:医院感染爆发(71.94%)、突发公卫事件(62.59%)、医疗纠纷/暴力伤医(54.06%)、呼吸机故障(53.13%)、医疗护理差错(48.34%)、气管插管困难或失败(43.84%)、患者非计划拔管(42.32%)、患者误吸(35.85%)、医用气体故障(31.84%)及医疗废物管理不当(28.26%)。


基于Kaiser 模型的ICU 的高相对风险值的灾害风险事件,主要集中在人员类伤害和技术类事故。应依据高相对风险值事件制定和完善应急预案,以提高风险事件应对能力,确保ICU安全有序运行。


To understand the risk degree of hazard events faced by intensive care unit(ICU)by carrying out Kaiser model-based hazard vulnerability analysis (HVA),so as to provide reference for formulating and improving ICU emergency plans.


In March 2024, A standardized HVA questionnaire was established according to the Kaiser model, and HVA team of Jintan Hospital affiliated to Jiangsu University conducted HVA questionnaire survey among the department staff. The questionnaire included a comprehensive assessment of 38 potential ICU disaster events, their potential impact on the department (including personnel injuries, property losses, and operational disruptions), as well as the preventive measures implemented by the department (such as emergency preparedness, internal response protocols, and external response strategies). All survey data were entered into Excel 2019 for statistical analysis. The Kaiser model calculation formula was used to calculate the relative RISK value of each potential risk event, and the relative risk degree of disaster risk events was ranked according to the relative risk value.


The total number of questionnaires distributed was 40, with a recovery rate of 100%.The top ten RISK values observed in the ICU were as follows: hospital infection outbreaks (71.94%), public health emergencies (62.59%), incidents of medical disputes/violence against doctors (54.06%, ventilator failure (53.13%), medical care error (48.34%), difficulty or failure of tracheal intubation (43.84%), patient unplanned extubation (42.32%), patient aspiration (35.85%), medical gas failure (31.84%) and improper management of medical waste (28.26%).


Disaster risk events with high relative risk values in ICU based on Kaiser model primarily revolve around personnel injuries and technical accidents,necessitating the formulation and enhancement of emergency plans to improve response capabilities towards such high relative risk events and ensure safe and orderly operations within the ICU.

1 ICU 灾害脆弱性分析评分标准
表2 ICU 灾害脆弱性分析表
事件 可能性 严重性 相对风险(%) 风险排名
人力影响 资产影响 运营影响 应急准备 内部响应 外部响应
地震 0.325 2.450 2.550 2.800 2.325 2.525 1.275 8.38 29
强降雪 0.825 0.600 0.750 0.850 1.125 1.125 1.025 8.36 30
极端气温 1.075 0.750 0.550 0.975 0.950 1.075 1.175 10.90 25
暴雨 1.500 0.575 0.425 0.600 0.850 0.775 1.000 11.73 24
台风 1.325 0.225 0.350 1.025 1.075 0.950 0.575 10.31 26
信息网络故障 1.200 0.525 1.225 2.925 1.875 2.150 1.000 21.56 18
供电故障 0.925 0.325 1.075 2.500 1.575 2.075 0.975 14.60 22
供水故障 0.550 0.175 0.900 1.775 1.300 1.700 0.925 6.90 33
火灾 0.850 2.125 2.650 2.825 1.500 2.050 1.225 19.48 21
水灾 0.175 0.700 0.950 0.925 1.075 1.300 0.825 1.87 37
电梯故障 0.700 0.200 0.525 1.000 0.725 0.950 0.625 5.22 35
排污系统故障 0.750 0.375 0.975 1.325 1.400 1.375 1.700 9.93 27
层流净化系统故障 1.525 0.575 1.425 1.650 1.875 1.400 1.975 25.13 15
通讯故障 0.900 0.175 0.550 1.475 1.300 1.025 1.000 9.21 28
医用气体故障 1.525 1.750 1.550 2.250 2.050 1.700 1.975 31.84 9
医疗废物管理不当 1.500 1.25 1.350 1.875 1.900 1.825 1.975 28.26 10
呼吸机故障 2.300 2.275 1.875 2.525 1.750 1.425 2.625 53.13 4
吸痰负压故障 1.700 1.450 1.050 1.675 1.475 1.275 1.725 27.23 11
环境清洁消毒不当 1.625 1.225 1.000 1.550 1.400 1.600 1.650 25.35 14
标本错误 1.025 0.700 0.450 0.950 1.675 1.300 1.500 12.48 23
突发公卫事件 2.625 2.500 2.475 2.625 1.800 2.025 1.450 62.59 2
医院感染爆发 2.775 2.400 2.450 2.700 2.200 2.425 1.825 71.94 1
医疗纠纷/暴力伤医 2.250 1.800 1.750 2.325 2.450 2.600 2.050 54.06 3
药品安全事件 1.475 1.375 1.075 1.500 1.900 1.900 1.975 26.56 13
职业暴露 1.450 1.125 0.900 1.350 1.775 1.300 2.025 22.76 17
患者误吸 2.225 1.800 1.000 1.475 1.300 1.050 2.075 35.85 8
患者非计划拔管 2.425 2.100 1.025 1.550 1.375 1.075 2.300 42.32 7
患者烫伤 0.400 0.625 0.175 0.550 0.900 1.050 1.100 3.26 36
患者冻伤 0.225 0.600 0.200 0.550 0.950 1.025 1.100 1.84 38
患者坠床 0.675 0.875 0.550 0.825 1.175 1.025 1.075 6.91 32
患者压疮 1.950 1.050 0.800 1.075 0.875 0.800 0.975 20.13 19
医疗护理差错 2.300 2.150 1.950 2.150 1.775 1.900 1.425 48.34 5
VIP情况 0.775 0.600 0.675 0.850 0.800 0.875 0.450 6.10 34
气管插管困难或失败 2.350 2.200 1.300 1.675 1.475 1.250 2.175 43.84 6
辐射事件 0.375 1.375 1.400 2.100 2.225 2.300 1.450 7.53 31
内部危险品暴露 1.075 1.400 1.450 1.775 2.075 1.900 1.375 19.86 20
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物资药品短缺 1.500 1.025 1.000 1.450 1.700 1.825 1.525 23.68 16
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